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Writer's pictureAdele Lidderdale

The Autumn Season... Feel your Feelings

Well late summer was short! Swiftly into Autumn we go.

The autumn season regards our large lung/intestine meridians and emotionally it's about feeling the feelings. As mentioned in the previous blog post, for numerous reasons this season can be a time for sadness or grief associated with certain life, seasonal and relationship changes.

In Orkney folklore this time of year was sometimes known as Gore Vellye and related to the number of storms that frequented the Islands at this time of year. These gales are often known as equinoctial gales and ones that are defined by shared anecdote as opposed to scientific study which in fact denounces such gales as a myth. In actual fact September in the UK does mark the start of the exponential increase in storm events that continues to climb in frequency well into December.

While September is a month of harvest, not only of crops but an opportunity to take stock of the happenings of the summer and an opportunity to glimpse forward and establish the supplies we might need to fully welcome the winter. On top of my list of learnings from the lightest days include:

  • more pen and paper and more free time to put them together; blankets - the weight, and the heat, and the draught exclusion properties are an essential requirement to induce Hygge all winter;

  • socks - mine will be purchased but I will knit some at the request of my son (I suspect it may be the only time he will ask me to knit him socks) and,

  • finally the pursuit of a life less serious. That means more fun and more jokes. That's what I want out of winter this year.

In our autumnal seasonal session the large intestine becomes a symbol of letting go. Letting go to the light days, processing the successes and evaluating the failures and the paired organ of the lungs symbolises grief - a sense of loss and sadness.

So this time of year is about harvesting supplies, processing what you've done through the productive part of the year. Our Yoga sessions this month will focus on letting go and staying in your own state of flow.

As always honouring your own wants, requirements and needs.

Image by Dagmara Dombrovska

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