Ok, it's boutique, bijoux, peedie or perfectly formed as I call it. The Northern Lights Studio is opening this weekend!
We're inviting you to come and have a look around, see what the equipment looks like and where we are in the world. My spare room could hold no more equipment. We will get a feel for the space as we go along, keep an eye on community safety and supporting physical and mental health and wellbeing where we can.
The Pilates equipment is fun, effective and can challenge you in more ways than one.
It's ideal for people who are looking for a bit of variety in their routine and can help people living with Multiple Sclerosis, recovering from injury, living with connective tissue/hypermobility and many more. It's a great way to reintroduce or continue to experience the joy of movement when you have lost a bit of confidence or you don't feel that a bigger group setting is for you.

Feel free to pop along and see us on Saturday. Have a nosy around and soak in the atmosphere. There may be some bubbles!