Mindfulness has a growing body of evidence to support it's effectiveness in reducing anxiety and stress as well as increasing focus and clarity in day to day decision making.
Mindfulness is suitable for the vast majority of people and can be simply slotted into day to day life to make things a little more manageable and/or sustainable (always ask your health care provider if you are receiving support for a mental health condition).
The benefits of mindfulness include:
Anxiety and stress reduction: reduces the amount of stress hormones produced
Improved immune response
Emotional regulation to support equanimity
Depression relief
The gift of choice in your life
Ability to focus for longer & clearer decision making
More self-compassion and self-acceptance
Develop empathy and lower reactivity to adverse people or events
Calms the nervous system
Mental alertness and develops personal insight
If this sounds like something that might interest you, I will be running free Mindfulness Sessions every Monday in July. These will be short sessions of 10-15 minutes at 5pm.
You can joint the Yoga Orkney® Online facebook group where the sessions will go live - https://bit.ly/YOFBGroup.
The session themes are:
5th July - Tea (or other drink) mindfulness exercise
12th July - Simple body scan exercise
19th July - Self-compassion for perspective exercise
26th July - Sense of Sound light meditation exercise